Comments from readers of other blogs are proving my point. People seem to be upset that Hiring Partner ("HP") is telling them how to behave/conform. Why are you so upset? HP has been in law firms for a number of years. HP sees a change in the new generation. Of course, not every law student and new lawyer needs to be taught these things. Some folks had good parents or other role models who taught them social and professional courtesies. Others either did not, or refused to listen. Somehow, when we went from $ 70/80,000 to 125,000 to 145,000 to 160,000, some of you lost track of reality. Clients pay firms for great work. Clients deserve great work. You need to serve clients and learn how to practice law. You also need to function professionally in the workplace. In just about all workplaces, there are conventions. Sorry, folks, but for law firm salaries, you can put on real shoes instead of flip flops. It's
Nordstrom anniversary sale time -- go pick up a pair! If you don't like conforming, then you might want to think about some other gig.
I am finding this blog really helpful. I am entering my first year as a law student in NY and I am willing to listen to ANY advice, especially from a hiring partner! People forget that they are reading this freely, and they do not have to. They also do not have to take the pointers offered. However, I will!
Conforming is good. It makes you a harder target since you blend in so well. Think zebras. It also makes you more fungible as well. Which law firms like.
Don't forget to walk down the hall and say hello to Anonymous Lawyer.
Hm..Nordstroms Anniversary sale...are you in the Metro-DC area by chance? Great advice, thanks!
Please tell us about the not so obvious parts of big law firm life...start here for some background:
to Anonymous: Nordstrom is all over the place, including New York. See also Click link to "Men's Shoes" or "Women's Shoes," as applicable.
What amazes me is the fact that intellect is necessary, but not sufficient, ingredient in making it in biglaw - or most other places.
Big law can just be extra brutal because of the economics of needing to provide value at $400 an hour billing by the tenth.
We tend to call it "good judgment," but we have a lot of code in that word. If potential associates don't naturally have it, things are going to be tough - but they need to quit the baby whining and learn what they can where they can. If one has to where flip flops to work to feel like a rebel, one really does need a life. Being an associate at biglaw will not be a good move towards getting a life.
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